Our purpose is to stimulate and encourage gardening practices among amateur gardeners and to stimulate knowledge and appreciation of horticulture, aid in the protection of the natural environment, provide instruction in indoor gardening and floral design, promote garden therapy, and residential gardening. This is done through various ongoing projects.
The Garden Club of Greenville is affiliated with the National Garden Clubs, Inc., the South Atlantic Region, The Garden Club of South Carolina, the West Piedmont District, and the Greenville Council of Garden Clubs
Join us in celbrating the the Greenville Rocky Quarry 90th year! The ladies of the Greenville Garden Club began creating this beautiful garden back in 1926 and finished in 1932! Enjoy our You Tube Video sharing our story though the Greenville Garden Club archives.
National Garden Week Greenville Garden Club
On June 4 ~10 2023 our club will observe National Garden Week.
Several activities this week will be offered. This is a week of Garden Awareness!
1.Donate a flower arrangement to the New Ruper House Veterans Center on #770Pelham Rd.Monday June 5th @ 10:00 am Everyone invited to help donate.
2. Our Tea and Awards Ceremony June 7th 2/4
3. Meet at Furman University for a garden walk ( Rose and Japanese Gardens) Friday June 9th @1:00pm Invite your family members! Sisters, grandchildren, husbands, everyone invited.
Thank you to all the participants and visitors to the NGC Standard Flower Show "A Spring Garden Party". You helped make this event a success.
Here are pictures of some of the award winners. There are more pictures in the Gallery. Enjoy!